
You will need some basic equipment when you come to class. The rules for COVID safe mean that we cannot easily share equipment.

You need, at a minimum:

  • A sticky mat

  • a yoga belt

  • at least one (preferably 2) blocks

Ideally you will also have a couple of yoga blankets, and possibly a bolster and some shoulder-stand pads. The blankets and bolster will be extra useful during restorative week

Buying equipment

Buy on-line from a yoga prop specialist like iyogaprops.

Loaning equipment

If you wish, I can loan you a full set for you to use at class. Your set will be kept at the venue, labelled with your name, so you won’t need to worry about carrying it around

The set will consist of:

  • 1 mat

  • 1 belt

  • 2 full blocks

  • 1 half block

  • 2 blankets

  • 1 bolster

  • 2 shoulder-stand pads

If you want to loan a set from me, I will ask you to pay $5 per week.