My fine print…


You can cancel or reschedule a class you’ve booked (but there are some restrictions)

You can cancel through the booking page (CLASSES).

My only restriction is that if you are going to cancel or reschedule you need to give me 12 hours’ notice.  That gives others time to take your place before the class starts.

If you cancel a class without rescheduling (with more than 12 hours’ notice of course), I’ll contact you to see how you want me to refund your payment.

I’ll respect your privacy and take care of your personal information

I won't disclose the personal information that you enter on the website to any third party.  Your information is actually held by Acuity Scheduling, which is a subsidiary of Squarespace  Here’s the privacy page for Acuity:

I won’t put your financial details at risk

I use Stripe or Paypal to process payments (your choice which one), so I never see or store your credit card or other financial details.

You can find out more at and

I won’t spam you

You need to provide your email address in order to make a booking. Whenever you book, reschedule or cancel a class, you will get emails from me about that transaction.

I may also email you sometimes to give you information about classes.  I you don’t want to receive these emails, please let me know.  I will do my best to avoid sending annoying or unnecessary emails.

From time to time I will identify those of you who haven’t booked a class in a long time, mark you as inactive accounts, and remove all of your personal data from the database.

In the meantime, if you wish for your personal details (especially email address) to be changed or deleted please contact me directly and I will endeavour to respond to your request promptly.

I use cookies for analytics

My website uses some standard tracking tools which record some personal information.

The website collects personal data to power my site analytics, including:

  • Information about your browser, network, and device

  • Web pages you visited prior to coming to this website

  • Your IP address

This information may also include details about your use of this website, including:

  • Clicks

  • Internal links

  • Pages visited

  • Scrolling

  • Searches

  • Timestamps

I share this information with Squarespace, my website analytics provider, to learn about site traffic and activity.

When you first loaded this site you were asked if you were OK with me using cookies.  You will be reminded again every 30 days, unless you’ve cleared your cookies in the interim.